Contact Dr. Humate

Humates and Soil Remediation
Humates and Oil Pollutions (Project)
Contact Dr. Humate
About Dr. Humate and his inventions

Tell Dr. Humate what you think!

This is where Dr. Humate gives people a chance to tell him what they think about his  web site. Is there anything you would like to see his offer? Do you have any questions or comments? Dr. Humate business depends on your satisfaction, so please let him know what you think.

Just click this address to send him e-mail:

Or give him a call at 613-527-7745

Dr. Humate's business partner--
U-Mate International, Inc.

U-Mate International, Inc. is an Arizona corporation organized in 1997 to encourage and support the active use of organic compounds as soil additives and soil resources for the better growth and development of most varieties of plants and possible uses as a soil remediation tool. U-Mate International holds rights to large tracts of land in Northwest New Mexico where known deposits of fulmic, ulmic and humic acid as well as other organic compounds are found. Collectively, these compounds are commonly referred to as "humates." The rights are in areas where large quantities of superior quality of humates are found. Humates are extracted from the ground, pulverized, placed in granular form and packaged or placed into solution and sold under various trade names including U-Mate™, Humates in Action, Bio-U-Mate™, New-Mex U-Mate™ and New-Mex Humate™.

U-Mate International, Inc. is in an enviable position because its mining operations, processing site and transportation facility are located in the Gallup, New Mexico area. U-Mate International, Inc. has the flexibility of both rail transportation and motor freight option. Inasmuch as its processing facility is on a rail siding and it is located only a few miles from I-40, the California, Arizona and Mexican markets are readily accessible from this location. Transportation costs may be a significant factor in the overall use of humates.

U-Mate International, Inc.
P.O. Box 4131, Scottsdale, Arizona 85261
Voice: (480) 948-9273
Voice: (480) 994-2005
Fax: (480) 948-1999

Business partner in seed enhancement technology-  INCOTEC

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Dr. HUMATE wellcomes any questions and comments from you. Please send him your letters to the following address:  P.O.Box 582 * Maxville, ON *K0C 1T0  CANADA*